Kaluna Farm Retreat lies within the creek hollers and bottomlands of the North Georgia Blue Ridge foothills. This 92-acre retreat is mostly forested, with the heart of the farm comprised of a mix of fields, orchards, and a magical mountain spring. The land has been homesteaded and nurtured by the Jones/Gartrell/Fricks family for seven generations, starting with John and Mary (Gartrell) Fricks, known as the "plant people."

Over the years, it saw phases of moonshining and other unconventional crops until Ben’s grandfather, Chigger, turned it into a junkyard and woodlot. In the mid-90s, Ben began restoring the land, inspired by childhood memories of his Uncle Tim's homestead. Now, Ben and Meghan are raising their family here, surrounded by fields and forests they’ve rejuvenated into a lush, temperate haven.

Love for the land is seen and felt everywhere at Kaluna. The good life is one of service to a place and the Earth. As responsible stewards of this land, the KFR family works hard to make choices that lead to abundant life for our relations. By using regenerative farming techniques we have increased the soil fertility and planted many perennial species that feed us and the ever increasing wildlife that depends on this farm for life. 

KFR is a complex ecosystem of relationships with benefits. As such, the farm consciously makes decisions on what products it uses and imports onto the farm. Kaluna Farm takes pride in being chemical free in its agricultural practices. Please help the farm by also making conscious decisions about what you bring and leave on the land. Bring your water containers and drink from the spring or the filtered well water, leave the plastic at home, and buy local quality produce when in season from the farm’s offerings. 

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